Sunday, November 28, 2010


Government Museum located in Egmore, which is the heart of the city, spreading to an area of 16.25 acres of land. Six independent buildings in this Museum campus have 46 galleries. The 46 galleries have been divided under five buildings. Each building has been formed in a different manner. The five building has different history to tell us about the ancient history. Artifacts, stone, copper or bronze and iron ages is been displayed in this museum. In five building two buildings were closed for remunerations work. The first building is been divided into 5 section in that only one section was open were the archaeology work was displayed. In this gallery we can find the sculpture of South Indian Sculptures Gallery, North Indian Sculptures Gallery, Indus Valley Civilization Gallery,
Memorial Stones and Hero Stones Gallery, Hindu Sculptures Gallery, Amravati Sculptures Gallery, Jain Sculptures Gallery. In each sculpture the locality and name and era was mention but in few sculpture the locality was unknown. The Archaeological Section of the Museum is primarily concerned with the acquisition, preservation and display of antiquities of the historic period of South India. The antiquities consist of sculptures, architectural pieces, metal and stone inscriptions which have a bearing on the past history and social life of the people of this part of India. A significant collection of objects representing the industrial arts such as wood carving, ivory work, metal ware, inlay and embossed works for which South India has been famous from very early times, is also dealt with by the Section. The Archaeological Section has a collection of bronze figure by far the best known objects of the Section are the metal figures. The collection of bronze figures contains specimens of different periods ranging from the early centuries of the Christian era to the recent times. The most important part of the collection of Bronze figures is that representing the Hindu gods, goddesses and devotees. Next comes the third gallery were the hi-tech showcases. Most of the objects are displayed in traditional type wooden showcases.. In this museum I found lots of Nataraja sculpture. There are over 700 specimens of stone sculptures belonging to the period from about 600 AD to recent times in the section. Hindu sculpture gallery showing their development during different periods in the Tamil country. In the reorganized Bronze Gallery, a star display has been the cosmic effect on the Nataraja bronze. The Numismatic Gallery has been redesigned with big models of rare Coins so that even the minute details can be seen. The coin section was amazing because each era coins were placed in different way each one has its own style I found some coin when I was kid it was shocking for me because it was having a value but now it don’t have any value also I saw a thousand rupees note were 13 languages were displayed in that its size was so big also I found the medals of napoleon. An interesting feature of these coins is that they bear neither date nor any name of kings. We only find a number of symbols punched on the face of these coins. Children’s Museum is a place of wonder for children. The Children’s Museum of the Government Museum, Chennai consists of Basement, Ground floor and First floor. In children museum the civilization work was displayed in a picture form to attract the children and also it will make them to known about how the civilization was started in the world. We can seen three type of civilization in this section they are
Prehistoric Man, Sumerian Civilization, the Egyptian Civilization, Indus Valley Civilization. Some dolls were placed how India traditional form is been followed each dolls                
is been representing each state in its traditional dress form. After this the animals of the past is been displayed as miniature model. Models of various dinosaurs and other extinct Reptiles such as Stegosaurus, Brontosaurus, Triceratops. The egg model natural size- 14" height exhibited here was of a large extinct bird Aepyornis. It was about 16 feet in height and considered to be the largest bird ever lived on earth. A miniature model of this bird is exhibited here. It lived in Madagascar. Next comes the transportation gallery the early boat, the first steam-ship, the working miniature train model were played for the children to know about the transportation. Also jet aircraft were placed in a miniature model. Technology gallery is been formed of mini model of this mini dioramic display arrangement illustrates the overall working principles of hydro-electric power and thermal electric power generation and distribution. Petrol and Diesel Engine Models as a Elevation and cross sectional views of a four-stroke four-cylinder engine and 2 stroke single-cylinder engine models are exhibited as working models to illustrate their working principles. A carburetor, an injector and a working model of a spark plug are displayed to illustrate their main functions. Mass Rapid Transport System (MRTS) miniature working model presented by Southern Railway. Proof- Printing Machine, Wind Mill, Solar Panel were also displayed in a miniature form. After this Contemporary Art Gallery is been located near the children museum. The rock and cave art gallery has the art from the ancient period. The Moghul paintings were also placed in these galleries which tell us about how the Moghul art were done. Shah Shuja, son of Shah Jehan, the Portrait of a Noble, the Portrait of Prince, Indian Miniature Painting, the court of Emperor Babur, An illustration to Nizami & etc were displayed in this gallery which show the passion about the painting were there in ancient period. Tanjore paintings and other traditional painting were placed in this gallery. British portraits were also placed in this gallery. Ravi varma paintings were displayed in this gallery. The Raja Ravi Varma paintings, which are considered as National Treasures, have been placed in a gallery with Fiber Optic lighting. The Contemporary Art Gallery now displays modern paintings and sculptures. The master pieces of Raja Ravi Varma, D.P. Roy Chowdhury, eminent artists and works of K.C.S. Panicker, S. Dhanapal and others representing Tamilnadu are represented in the collection. Contemporary Art Gallery  Track lighting with Dichroic Halogen Lamps, painting gallery, Egmore church, cock, fight, fruit  painting also placed in this gallery which give a relaxation to see us also the art tells message. In modern sculpture E.V.R Periyar, Christ bearing the church, Victim's of Hungemodel is been placed which is made up of bronze.
 This museum is a place where we can find each every detail regarding our ancient history. It was good experience for me when I went to this museum I had a great time also I got to know about lots of new information regarding early history. I have read history during my school life but after visiting to this museum I found many new things related to early history.  It was a amazing experiences for me after visiting to this museum.